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Available courses

Maritime Training

Security Awareness training aims to increase awareness of security threats and how to maintain security on board.All seafarers, regardless of rank and department, need to be in possession of an STCW security awareness certificate.STCW Regulation VI/6

The aim of this Designated Security Duties online course is to raise awareness about the different security threats and how seafarers can maintain security onboard a ship.The STCW Designated Security Duties training is mandatory for all seafarers working onboard vessels who do have designated security duties. These seafarers must hold an official certificate of  STCW Designated Security Duties training.This Designated Security Duties online course is in accordance with  STCW A-VI/6 and IMO.

O curso NR 35 - Trabalho em Altura é voltado para capacitar os participantes a realizar tarefas em locais elevados com segurança. Baseado na norma regulamentadora NR 35, o curso aborda os principais aspectos relacionados à prevenção de acidentes e à proteção dos trabalhadores em atividades em altura. Os participantes aprenderão sobre responsabilidades, procedimentos de segurança, uso adequado de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) e técnicas de resgate em caso de emergência. O curso visa fornecer aos participantes as habilidades necessárias para realizar trabalhos em altura de forma segura e eficiente.

The NR 35 - Working at Height course is designed to enable participants to perform tasks in high places safely. Based on the regulatory standard NR 35, the course addresses the main aspects related to accident prevention and the protection of workers in activities at height. Participants will learn about responsibilities, safety procedures, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and rescue techniques in case of emergency. The course aims to provide participants with the necessary skills to perform work at height safely and efficiently.

Este curso periódico aborda a segurança em instalações elétricas conforme a NR 10. Ele capacita profissionais a identificar riscos elétricos, adotar medidas preventivas e agir em casos de acidentes. Destina-se a eletricistas, técnicos e engenheiros que lidam com eletricidade e já tenham concluído com sucesso o curso de NR 10 Básico com carga horária de 40 horas. Ao concluir o curso, os participantes estarão aptos a promover um ambiente de trabalho mais seguro e a atender às normas de segurança elétrica.

This course aims to train workers in the basic safety course for hot work, to comply with Regulatory Standard No. 34. This module is applicable to the modalities of hot work involving a blowtorch.

Regulatory Training

This course aims to train workers in the basic safety course for hot work, to comply with Regulatory Standard No. 34. This module is applicable to the modalities of hot work involving welding.

This course covers NR 10 requirements for Electrical Services in Electrical Power Systems (EPS), providing comprehensive knowledge of electrical safety, regulations, and procedures. Aimed at professionals such as electricians and engineers, the course covers principles, preventive measures, protective equipment, and emergency procedures. Upon completion, participants will be able to work in accordance with NR 10 guidelines, promoting safer work environments.

This course aims to train workers in the basic safety course for hot work, to comply with Regulatory Standard No. 34.This module is applicable to the modality of other hot work activities.

This course aims to train workers in the basic safety course for hot work and compliance with Regulatory Standard No. 34.This general module is applicable to the modality of hot work involving Rotating Portable Machinery.

The aim of the training is to provide knowledge on how to carry out hot activities safely.

O curso de NR 37 para Indivíduos Ocupacionalmente Expostos à Radiação Ionizante (IOE) visa capacitar profissionais que trabalham em ambientes com exposição a esse tipo de radiação, proporcionando conhecimentos e medidas de segurança necessárias para proteger sua saúde e garantir a conformidade com as normas regulatórias.

The NR 37 course for Individuals Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation (IOE) aims to train professionals who work in environments with exposure to this type of radiation, providing them with the knowledge and safety measures necessary to protect their health and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

The basic safety course refresh in leak testing aims to provide students with knowledge of the legal and operational requirements used in the preparation and execution of leak tests.

Regulatory Training

The NR 37 - Water Analysis course is designed for professionals who wish to learn how to analyze water for human consumption, according to the rules of the current legislation. The course teaches about the sampling processes, physical-chemical and microbiological analysis, interpretation of results, and corrective actions.

Regulatory Training

O curso de NR 37 - Análise de Água é destinado a profissionais que desejam aprender a análise de água para consumo humano, conforme regras das legislações vigentes. O curso ensina sobre os processos de amostragem, análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas, interpretação dos resultados e ações corretivas.

Regulatory Training

This course aims to establish the minimum requirements for the identification of the related hazards found on board of oil rigs, vessels and platforms, in order to minimize the impact of first timers embark, maintaining a safe working environment  and the health of those who interact directly or indirectly in these installations.

Regulatory Training

Este curso visa estabelecer os requisitos mínimos para a identificação dos perigos relacionados encontrados a bordo de sondas, embarcações e plataformas de petróleo, de forma a minimizar o impacto dos iniciantes a embarcar, mantendo um ambiente de trabalho seguro e a saúde de quem interage direta ou indiretamente nessas instalações.

Regulatory Training

The purpose of the Advanced Training is to provide workers who enter the operational area and maintain direct contact with the process, carrying out the operation, maintenance or emergency service, the necessary knowledge to carry out their activities safely, in compliance with item from NR 37 Safety and health on oil platforms.

O Treinamento Antes do Primeiro Embarque tem por objetivo proporcionar os conhecimentos necessários relacionados à segurança offshore para os trabalhadores que realizam o primeiro embarque em unidades offshore, atendendo ao item da NR 37 Segurança e saúde em plataformas de petróleo.

Regulatory Training

O objetivo do treinamento é proporcionar os conhecimentos necessários para os trabalhos e atividades nas plataformas de petróleo garantindo a segurança do trabalhador com os dispostos itens notificadas na Norma Regulamentadora NR – 37.

Regulatory Training

O objetivo do treinamento é proporcionar aos trabalhadores que adentram a área operacional e que efetuam atividades específicas, pontuais e eventuais, bem como as de comissionamento, manutenção, reparação, inspeção, descomissionamento e desmonte o conhecimento necessário para realizar suas atividades de forma segura. 

Drilling EIM

The NOV Knuckle Boom Crane training aims to provide operators and maintenance crews with a thorough understanding of the equipment. The course covers a detailed overview of the crane, critical safety protocols, control system functions, and operating procedures. Participants will also learn troubleshooting techniques to handle potential issues. By the end, they will be well-equipped to safely and effectively operate and maintain the NOV Knuckle Boom Crane.

Drilling EIM

The NOV Cyberbase equipment training is designed to equip operators and maintenance crews with a solid understanding of the system. The course covers a detailed overview of the equipment, essential safety protocols, control system functions, and detailed operating procedures. Additionally, participants will learn effective troubleshooting techniques. By the end of the training, they will be prepared to confidently operate and maintain the NOV Cyberbase system. .

Drilling EIM

Through a series of interactive modules and multimedia content, learners will explore the intricacies of thruster components, assembly procedures, and best practices. The course is designed for individuals involved in the assembly, maintenance, and operation of thrusters, ensuring they acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks effectively and safely.

The EIM - Eckel 5-1/2 Standard Model C Tubing Tong course is designed to ensure that operators gain a comprehensive understanding of the equipment, including its detailed description and the essential safety precautions to be observed before operation. The course also covers the functions of the controls, provides thorough operating instructions, and includes troubleshooting guidelines to address potential issues during use. Through this training, operators will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle the equipment effectively and safely.

 IADC مخصصة لأي عامل حفر مهتم بفهم أساسيات الحفر والتحكم في الآبار. تم تصميم الدورة لمنهج IADC WellSharp التمهيدي ، وسيحصل الطلاب على شهادة IADC.

This IADC Accredited introductory course is intended for any drilling personnel interested in understanding the basics of drilling and well control. The course is designed for the IADC WellSharp Introductory curriculum, and students will receive an IADC certificate. 

Este curso introdutório credenciado pelo IADC é destinado a qualquer pessoal de perfuração interessado em compreender os fundamentos da perfuração e controle de poços. O curso foi elaborado para o currículo IADC WellSharp Introductory, e os alunos receberão um certificado do IADC.

Este curso introductorio acreditado por la IADC está destinado a cualquier personal de perforación interesado en comprender los conceptos básicos de la perforación y el control de pozos. El curso está diseñado para el plan de estudios introductorio IADC WellSharp, y los estudiantes recibirán un certificado IADC.

This online IWCF Level 2 well control course is intended for any drilling personnel interested in understanding the basics of drilling and well control. The course is designed for the IWCF Level 2 Introductory curriculum, and students will receive an IWCF certificate. 

Este curso online de controle de poço IWCF Nível 2 é destinado a qualquer pessoal de perfuração interessado em compreender os fundamentos da perfuração e controle de poço. O curso é projetado para o currículo introdutório de nível 2 da IWCF, e os alunos receberão um certificado da IWCF.

Este curso de control de pozos en línea IWCF Nivel 2 está diseñado para cualquier personal de perforación interesado en comprender los conceptos básicos de la perforación y el control de pozos. El curso está diseñado para el plan de estudios introductorio de nivel 2 de IWCF y los estudiantes recibirán un certificado de IWCF.

Client Specific Training

Upon completion of this module, you will develop awareness of the following Expert Witness topics:Vantage Drilling VCAMS and VCAPRoles and ResponsibilitiesTypes of AssessmentAssessment ProcessExpert Witness GuidelinesVCAP Assessment EvaluationVantage Competence Management Platform

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Breathing Air Compressor course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Crane Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

The objective of this NOV - NOV Pick Up Lay Down System - PLS7 course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV - ROTARY TABLE - RST755-H course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV - UTILITY WINCH-5T-10T-15T-30T course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV Mud System – Low-Pressure course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV MUX Reel System course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Ballast System course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

This bilge system course aims to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

The objective of this Bulk Loading and Transfer Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Cooling Water System course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Fire Pump Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Forklift Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Helideck Systems course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this High Pressure Washdown Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Life Raft Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this  Lifeboat Operations course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV - HYDRA RACKER - HR IV course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV - Service Access Basket course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV - TOP DRIVE - TDX 1500 / 1250 course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV – DEADMAN / DRILL LINE REEL course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV – OPERATIONAL – AHC &  CMC course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV ADH 1700 1250 DRAWWORKS course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

The objective of this NOV BOP Overhead Crane – 2 x 300MT course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this course is to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems of the NOV Mousehole MMH-3 before operating the equipment or proceeding with basic maintenance as per Company internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV Mud System High Pressure course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV Pipe Catwalk Shuttle course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV Riser Handling System course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV NOV- CYBERBASE - CONTROLS course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Purification System course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this Sanitation System course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.

Equipment Induction Manual

The objective of this NOV – Iron Roughneck - ARN270 course is to provide comprehensive knowledge of all related equipment, components, controls, alarms, indicators, communication and safety systems, preparing personnel for operating the equipment and proceeding with basic maintenance, as per TRANSOCEAN internal safety and quality standards.